Croisant rougout. This creates the layers of the croissant-doughnut. Place the doughnut-shaped dough into the fridge. Make the glaze: Pour the confectioner's sugar in a bowl and mix it with the.
So can you replicate them in your own kitchen?
I hope you enjoy this Doughnut and Croissant Hybrid Recipe!
I have only made croissants once before and made the BIG mistake of using a cheap.
Kalian dapat menyiapkan Croisant rougout menggunakan 15 bahan bahan dan 9 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk menghidangkan itu.
Bahan bahan
- Kalian perlu 1 lembar puff pastry edo.
- Kalian perlu Bahan rougout :.
- Kalian perlu 3 buah kentang ukuran besar iris kotak.
- Siapkan 3 buah wortel ukuran sedang iris kotak.
- Kalian perlu 3 buah sosis sapi/ayam iris kotak.
- Kalian perlu Secukupnya keju parut.
- Kalian perlu Secukupnya garam.
- Siapkan Secukupnya lada bubuk.
- Kalian perlu Secukupnya bawang putih bubuk.
- Siapkan Secukupnya kaldu sapi.
- Kalian perlu Secukupnya air.
- Siapkan 2 sdm tepung terigu.
- Siapkan Bahan olesan :.
- Kalian perlu 1 butir telur kocok lepas.
- Siapkan Oregano.
Download Croissant doughnut stock photos at the best stock photography agency with millions of premium high quality, royalty-free stock photos. Because it's part croissant and part doughtnut, the pastry chef is, appropriately, calling it a The finished cronut tastes a lot like a classic glazed doughnut, but pretty much more. How to make Croissant Doughnuts using Crescent Rolls. Fry on each side until golden and puffy.
Langkah langkah
- Bahan rougout :.
- Masak 2,5 gelas belimbing air hingga mendidih, setelah mendidih masukan kentang,wortel yg sdh dipotong dadu hingga air agak menyusut.
- Lalu masukan garam,lada bubuk, bawang putih bubuk,kaldu sapi,sosis yg telah dipotong dadu. aduk hingga rata jgn lupa tes rasa.
- Setelah tes rasa masukkan tepung terigu aduk cepat sampai menjadi rougout.
- Siapkan kulit puff pastry masukan rougout di tengah2 tambahkan keju,iris pinggir2 kulit dengan pisau lalu bentuk seperti kepang.
- Olesi bagian atas croisant dgn telur taburi oregano.
- Panggang dlm oven dgn api atas bawah selama 40 menit suhu 180°.
- Croisant rougout siap disantap, crunchy diluar lembut didalam.
- Happy cooking mom,selamat mencoba 😊😊😊.
What happens when you crossbreed a croissant and a doughnut? Share All sharing options for: Cronuts = Croissants x Doughnuts. "We've been selling croissant doughnuts for a few weeks now. "When you make the croissant doughnut, you get that beautiful buttery flavor, but crunchy on the outside. From The Daily Edge Croissant Doughnut This post contains a poll. This post may contain affiliate links. We may receive a small percentage of purchases made through these links.