Capucino latte art. Coffee Latte Art, Cappuccino Coffee, I Love Coffee, Coffee Break, Morning Coffee, Coffee Cups, Drink Coffee, Cappuccino Machine, Coffee Milk. What are Lattes and Cappuccinos Served In? Massage your way to milky smooth skin with our creamy cappuccino scrub.
By Perfect DIY in Cooking Coffee.
Two cups of cappuccino with latte art on wooden background.
Beautiful foam, greenery ceramic cups, stylish toning, place for text.
Kalian dapat menghidangkan Capucino latte art menggunakan 4 bahan bahan dan 11 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak ini.
Bahan bahan
- Siapkan 1 sendok teh Bubuk kopi Nescafe klasik.
- Siapkan 2 sendok teh Creamer bubuk.
- Siapkan Susu fresh milk UHT diamond.
- Siapkan Gula.
Six functional choices - for Latte Art Coffee Art. Create beautiful and elaborate designs and images on your cappuccinos - you will amaze your friends and customers. perfect tools for Barista - great for. Andrea Lattuada fra gli autori Franco e Mauro Bazzara Andrea Lattuada with the authors Franco and Mauro Bazzara. A cappuccino is probably not what you want to try latte art on.
Langkah langkah
- Pertama campur 1 sendok kopi Nescafe dan 2 sendok creamer bubuk.
- Taruh air panas sedikit saja untuk larutin kopinya.
- Masak susu UHT sekitar 60 ml sampai suhu 90°c kira" ada bubble kecil jangan sampai mendidih karena foam sangat tebal.
- Kemudian tuang ke milk Jugs.
- Dan ketuk" ke bawah sambil tutup atas milk Jugs dengan tangan sampai bubble kecil hilang.
- Tuang lah perlahan sambil membentuk foam yang di inginkan.
- Dan gula di pisah sesuai selera customer.
- NB: mau banyak belajar untuk membuat capucinno latte kesulitannya di gambar.
- Selamat mencoba.
- Bisa di liat di youtube pembuatan latte art.
- Thanks you bos ku.
The amount of froth in a cap will probably cause the milk to be too thick to pour with. You want to start with your milk texture. The Latte Art Technique has very few basic rules, then a lot a lot of practice. During the course we begin by examining the different kind of milk and the basic technique of milk frothing. Cappuccino latte art - download this royalty free Stock Photo in seconds.