Nastar / Pineapple Taarts. Pineapple tarts with special additions and they are well-optimised too just like the best recipes that I adored. And here, I proudly present these ultimate melt-in-your-mouth Parmesan cheese Nastar Pineapple Tarts!!! These cheese pineapple tarts can literally melt in your mouth!!!
Pineapple tarts or nanas tart are small, bite-size pastries filled or topped with pineapple jam, commonly found throughout different parts of Southeast Asia such as Indonesia (nastar), Malaysia (Baba Malay: kueh tae / Kuih tair, Malay language: kuih tat nanas), Brunei and Singapore in various forms. Other Chinese New Year treats to try. I hope this post encourages you to make some pineapple cookies for this Chinese New Year. Kalian dapat memasak Nastar / Pineapple Taarts menggunakan 15 bahan bahan dan 5 langkah. Berikut cara kalian untuk memasak ini.
Bahan bahan
- Siapkan Bahan kulit :.
- Siapkan 200 gram blueband cake n cookies.
- Siapkan 50 gram gula halus.
- Kalian perlu 1 kuning telur.
- Siapkan 250 gram tepung terigu.
- Siapkan sedikit garam.
- Kalian perlu sedikit vanilla ekstrak.
- Kalian perlu 15 gram susu bubuk.
- Siapkan 15 gram tepung maizena.
- Kalian perlu Isian :.
- Kalian perlu 400 gram selai nanas.
- Siapkan Olesan :.
- Kalian perlu 1 kuning telur.
- Siapkan sedikit madu.
- Kalian perlu sedikit susu kental manis.
I wish you a wonderful time with family for the coming festivities, and may this year brings your prosperity and happiness. 恭喜发财. Called "Nastar" in local language, pineapple tarts are basically a cookie with a pineapple filling, in a buttery and crumbly pastry. They are mostly referred as pineapple tarts in Malaysia and Singapore. Some call them pineapple cakes (but they are not really cakes), pineapple shortcakes, pineapple cookies, or pineapple pastries.
Langkah langkah
- Campur margarin dan gula halus sampai rata. Masukkan kuning telur, aduk rata lagi.
- Sangrai tepung terigu sebentar, kemudian angkat dan biarkan dingin. Setelah itu campur dengan susu bubuk dan tepung maizena. Ayak dan campurkan ke adonan. Uleni sd rata.
- Bulat-bulatkan selai nanas.
- Ambil adonan kulit, kemudian isi dengan selai nanas. Setelah itu bungkus dan bulatkan. Taruh di loyang yang sudah dialasi dengan kertas roti. Panaskan oven 150’C dan panggang selama 25 menit.
- Setelah 25 menit, keluarkan nastar, olesi dengan kuning telur. Kemudian panggang kembali selama 10 menit. Setelah itu angkat dan dinginkan. Setelah dingin, simpan nastar di toples tertutup.
Nastar Gulung - Rolled Pineapple Tart Pineapple jam filling. My usual game plan is a two-day process. The first day I simply prepare the pineapple jam filling and let them chill in the fridge overnight so I can be extra sure it will be completely chilled when I shape my cookies. The mask does not touch the mouth and nose, is easy to breathe! Great recipe for Nastar cookies (Indonesian pineapple tarts).